Sunday, December 26, 2010

Shape up for 2011

We're just days away from a lot of messages about diet, exercise, and resolutions for the new year, but this won't have you thinking about crunches and salads to get over any excesses in 2010. Rather, it's a few friendly reminders about getting an Etsy shop in tip-top shape for the start of a successful year of selling!

#1 - Don't welcome me to your shop.
Really, don't, at least not right away. Not because you don't want me and other buyers to show up, and to feel welcomed, but because starting with that friendly "Welcome to my shop" is such a waste of the key first characters in your valuable Shop Announcement space!

Don't take my word for it - read this ever-so-helpful Etsy excerpt about Shop Announcements, from the Help section on SEO (Search Engine Optimization):
"The first 160 characters of your Shop Announcement are used to create the meta description for your shop page. The meta description is the text shown under your page title on a search engine results page.
TIPS: Describe your shop and the kinds of items you sell. Use welcoming language that will entice someone to explore your shop further. Use keywords that you think shoppers will search to find your items."
And when was the last time someone searched for "Welcome to my shop!"?

Read the article, here. It's a much-shortened version of the big 25-page SEO Guide. You'll also learn about how to make the shop title, item titles, shop sections and item descriptions work harder for you.

Images from SurrenderDorothy and justmars, thanks!


  1. Great suggestion about the shop announcement. I have really been wavering as to or not to shut down my Etsy shop, but I may just spend January cleaning it up and devoting it STRICTLY to high end greeting cards and the shop announcement is a good place to start. I have another shop on Zibbet that I'm going to just sell my jewelry items there.

  2. Thanks for the reminder, as a result I have further tweaked my announcement!

  3. a cookie in each hand - that's my diet!

  4. I didn't know that, off to go take off the "welcome to my shop" announcement that I have on. lol

  5. I use the "Welcome" after my first 160 Characters. It's hard to find a way to make it a smooth welcome but it can be done. I, for one like a welcome.

  6. brainstorming for new shop announcement!

    shaping up!

  7. Here is what I put when I changed my welcome,if it helps you guys any:
    "Here you will find an array of items...vintage dishes, handmade cards, etc.. Add some fun and beauty to your life! Zucchini Summer has a little of everything!

    I try to fill my life and home with things that bring a smile to my face and make me happy, hopefully you can pick up something at my store that will add joy to your home too. If it doesn't make you happy, don't buy it!

    Follow my blog for sneak peeks, other featured sellers, and fun! "


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